twenty2grams | 166-168 Belmore Road, Randwick | MON - FRI 6:30AM - 4PM | SAT & SUN 7AM - 3PM \\ baked | 66 High Street, Randwick | MON - FRI 7AM - 2PM

more like our home
You are very welcome, thank you for joining us. Your eggs are on their way-perfectly cooked whites & runny yolk, your super fresh salad will be ready in a minute & here is your coffee roasted on site & made just the way you like it.
We want to make you happy, to greet you warmly, to share a bit of banter if you’re up for it, to allow you to refuel and re-energise, in a space where you belong-because you do our customers are our focus & point of being. We consider ourselves a happiness experiment of sorts-how much happiness, comfort, sense of belonging can 22grams bring to Randwick. Thank you for being part of the experiment.